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Robin Lukason's
Consulting Services

Elevate and Enhance

Consulting Approach/Style:

Robin’s focus as she works 1:1 with clients is in three key areas:  the individual, the team, and the business. The greatest asset of any business is its people. The differentiator is the quality of the relationships between its people. Businesses thrive when the dynamic is a positive and trusting one and when there is connectivity and trust between leadership and staff. Building and maintaining these relationships requires transparent and productive communication, actions that are aligned with words, synchronicity, and shared goals. Whether you are an individual contributor, a manager, or an owner, building meaningful and lasting relationships is critical.


  First, the Client as an Employee/Team Member:  

  We will assess and work on your professional development goals or needs. Things you may have identified as an opportunity, an area of struggle, or possibly new areas you hadn’t considered so you can perform and partner at your best: Routines, organization, communication, problem-solving, scale, and ability to connect and maintain relationships. We will also examine how the components of emotional intelligence influence how you interact with others and how to enhance your skills.

  As a busy professional, work is often the primary focus, leaving your own needs, those of your loved ones, and general balance out of order. Your own personal life can become a casualty along the way, and it’s critical to your health and well-being that you make time for yourself and the things you want. Whether it’s refocusing on the key personal relationships in your life, making time for your own enjoyable activities, or just learning how to rest and recharge, Robin is interested in the whole person, and how both the professional and the personal translate to success and growth. 

  The Client as a Leader or Business Owner:

  Learning how to work better together, how to communicate more effectively, identify and address challenges with meaningful solutions, and navigate the different styles and personalities is critical to being an effective leader or owner. Together, we will assess where your strengths are and where development would benefit you. We will dive into team dynamics, operating routines, leadership style, collaboration, how to motivate, and productive feedback routines. The solid foundation of engagement is what drives employee retention, employee satisfaction, increased sales/production, and profitability.  

  We will also look at the business as a whole and examine where change will bring the biggest benefits:  people, process, technology, or more tactical components of scale, capacity, and cost.

Why work with Robin?

  As a successful business leader with 25 years of experience, Robin knows what is required to build winning teams, and it starts with the leader. Robin’s extensive background in running operations, strategic initiatives, performance management, and metrics, as well as a heavy concentration in FP&A, capacity planning and modeling, compensation, and data, have provided comprehensive exposure to the vital components of successful businesses. Robin has managed and coached hundreds of employees and leaders during her years with both large and smaller firms. 

  Robin will focus with her clients on implementing sustained growth in personal development. In turn, they can better engage with peers and partners, customers, and teams to be more influential and impactful in the pursuit of reaching their goals. Learning how to connect, build meaningful relationships, and have empathy and self-awareness are some of the primary areas that she focuses on. Personal relationship details often come up during coaching sessions, too, Robin is very happy to engage in this area, as she knows how important and impactful personal relationships are to professional success.

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Each month, the client has 4 hours of 1:1 coaching time that can be used in hourly or other increments.
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